Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bob's Place - Oil on Board - 9" x 12"

This painting is for sale at $100. If you would like to purchase it, you can reach me at: judith@judithdagostino.com Well, I got back from San Diego with only one painting! It was chilly, rainy and cloudy most of the time I was there. Not the best for outdoor painting. I still had lots of fun and friends of ours came to visit and we had some great Persian food. On last Friday, my husband took me over to a place he used to live called Descanso. It is up in the hills, east of San Diego off of I-8. It is bucolic. I could have spent the entire week there and never tired of the scenery. It is fun to paint outdoors in a small town. People are so friendly and stop by to look at what your doing. There was a cute young boy who spent some time with me telling me how much he liked this painting and also a lot about his life in Descanso where he said no one comes to paint! He asked if I would return and I told him YES! Another fun thing that happened was a woman stopped by and we exchanged cards. She went on my website and sent me the following message. I don't think she would mind my posting it here. "My Comments: Hello, the strangest thing happened over a dinner of my mom's wonderful cornbread and beans last night. My brother, Ken Gaddis, was talking about a man he knew from way back when, and how he didn't seem to age a bit, and I was waiting to tell our story about how I spoke with the artist painting our meadow, and as he continued his story of his old friend Frank, and what happened in his life and how he moved to Arizona, and seemed to happy and so well, I said "Did you just run in to him TODAY?" When he said yes, I realized that both of our stories for the dinner table that night at my folk's house were connected, because my brother's old friend was your husband! It was like a game of connect the dots magic. Isn't it nice that both of you were the special little events of our day, April 13, 2007? Good luck with the Meadow and I hope someday you can do the Tea Party Tree...Looking forward to seeing the painting, Maureen! "

1 comment:

Mishcka said...

A great painting!! And what a wonderful serendipitous story! I can't wait to see the painting of the Tea Party Tree.